Radio Controlled Soaring Digest December 1988 Issue

Radio Controlled Soaring Digest December 1988 Issue

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Issue Contents:

Comments on the F3B team selection finals are made.

Response to Dave Darlings comments about AMA in Sept issue
Multiplex Flamingo built w/ mods. and flown with Airtronics 7SP radio. Hinge tape recommended from Hisco Prod. 4318 Centergate
A scratch built transmitter used for sailplanes. Special features used Contact Darnell for support in getting encoded ROM for sailplane Tx mixing.

Algebra 3M sailplane built and flown with success. Thermal Navigator used Two wings provided: S3021 or E394 wing length can vary from 2 to 4M

More comments on Dave Darlings views on NSS VS AMA for representing soaring

Kevin analyzes strength of various spar configurations
Spar of lightest weight favors strongest members at maximum separation. Issue taken with George Voss article in Aug 88 issue.

Ding Duck Cartoon from Australia makes first appearance in RCSD.

High vs low wing loading Prodigy analyzed by MaxSoar software (Macintosh) Flying in wind very often gives advantage to higher wing loadings.

Sig Riser 100 reviewed. Good speed range; recommended for 1st to 3rd model Fuselage formers were reinforced with triangle stock.

Martin takes issue with spar design of G. Voss (Aug 88). + Flying wing Martin things F3B flying wings are a possiblity for speed and distance.

Instructions for painting insignias onto a model using an airbrush Instructions are specific and useful.

Airfoils EMX07
A tailplane pivot bearing for low wear is described. Like Prodigy’sA one view drawing shows control horn bearing also on brass tube/bearing

Synergy III is shown in 3 views on the cover & discussed on page 11Smaller

Radio Controlled Soaring Digest December 1988 Issue

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